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Photographer “The Unsung Hero”

Writer's picture: 3G video3G video

“In the automotive industry photography is used from beginning to end and the one behind the lens provides the car world with the perfect picture.”

                                              Written by Jim Fox        Photos by Jesse Fox (3G Video)


     Doing the simple but important to help others succeed

In every area of life we have those who make a difference but are never seen and most generally never heard of by the public.  You know these people, and maybe you are one of them, playing a key role in someone’s life doing simple but important tasks that make it possible for others to succeed.  In the car world there are many of those type of people, from those who supply parts to those putting on events, pit crews to promoters and a lot of others in between.

              Men and women with a God given gift, of an 

eye to caught what others want to see

These Heroes do what they love, Photography, of what they love, Cars

So who are we talking about here?  Good question and here is the answer. The photographer, those who capture the moment, bring an image of a person to the forefront, making an unrecognizable person, place or thing into a common household subject.  Now let’s get things straight, we are not talking about everybody and his brother with a cell phone taking pictures of everything that moves.  We are centering in on those who sacrifice their time, money and comfort to get the photo no one else would even know to take.  Has the visionary ability to see the perfect shot and is willing to do whatever it takes to get that shot.  No matter the time, place or weather, so we ordinary people can enjoy said picture on the very cell phone that we so proudly take hundreds of worthless pictures to discard in the future.  Men and women who make magazines special because they have the God given gift of an eye to catch what others want to see. They specialize in dozens of areas, majestic landscapes, unusual animals, stunning portraits, unlimited amount of sports activities and the list goes on into every area of life.         

          Unsung Heroes

As these Unsung Heroes in the car industry continue to sacrifice the time, resources and using their God given abilities. Traveling to local events, across the nation or the world. Covering endurance Drag-n-drives, best at turns autocross, exhilarating wheel to wheel, bettering yourself at time attack, tire burning drifting or just showing off what you have at car shows, doing whatever it takes to get the perfect picture at the exact time in all situations, bringing recognition to a car and its owner, making them feel special for their love of cars, as the Hero does what they love to do, photography, of what they love, cars.  Take time to respect and thank these Unsung Heroes for without them it would be a world without the perfect picture.                                                                           

   Advice on how to get started from one of the best in automotive photography  


car industry has many of these talented, gifted photographers, they work for companies, teams, promoters, magazines and cover fast and furious dragstrips, winding road courses, monotonous but exciting oval tracks, precision drifting, tight turns of autocross, even good old boys car shows.  Freelance photographers are also finding a way to make their mark and be recognized, but they have to be willing to pay the price of getting started.  A well known automotive photographer, Larry Chin, was asked in an interview conducted by 3G Video “How

                                                                 “I did whatever I could just to have

                                                                 the chance to take the pictures”


do you get started doing automotive photography?” He suggested to “make relationships with organizers or race team or some type of outlet or just go as a fan” and “the hardest part is taking that first step and just doing it”.  He went on to say “It is more important to get pictures verses spending money on gear that will not be used.”  When asked “How did you afford getting started?” he said “It came down to doing anything I needed to do. I did anything and everything I could do, I guess, just surrounding car culture.  I did whatever I could just to have the chance to take the pictures.”


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