Welcome to the first article here on the 3G Video website. We are going to bring you great stories highlighting the craziest drag-n-drive inspired builds, the people behind then and the great adventures across America and beyond.
Over the past couple of years we have meet some of the greatest people with the most interesting stories. Been blessed to travel to some of the most beautiful places in North America and of corse have gotten to see some of the most spectacular car builds that actually drive on the street.

Here at 3G Video we believe in driving our projects and enjoying our cars. Thats why in addition to showing you the crazy builds and people that we meet we also want to showcase the adventures we have in our projects. Just like all the crazy trips that Benny the volvo 240 has been on and other projects that will be seen on the youtube channel in the future.

These articles will hopefully inspire you to drive your builds and get involved with the rapidly growing community of Drag-N-Drive. we also hope to show you that you can have a passion for cars and traveling along with living your life to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many people dont know what the 3G stands for in our name and that is for God' Glory Garage. What this means is that we give him all the glory for where we have come.

We have a lot ahead of us and are so excited for this new way of sharing our experiences and stories. We are glad that you are here with us and we look forward to talking to you again soon.